I have a bumper harvest of quince off our tree, 54 to be exact, from an 8 year old tree so I will try your method this weekend. Thank you so much.

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I would love a quince tree! I had a previous stab at membrillo, but it went mouldy. Maybe I’ll try again.

I share your sadness at the loss of gifts from Europe. We used to get olive oil, oranges, lemons, olives and herb salt from a friend in Spain. None of those are going to grow here - yet. 🙁

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Belated comment and THANKS for sharing your quince instructions with me. I hope to share what I did (and give you lots and lots of credit) once I dig myself out of the crushing to-do list I have. Am so happy to be subscribed to your newsletter - I'm thoroughly enjoying it and the recipes are so delicious-sounding and inspiring. Re: Chicken soup: Feel better!

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Thanks Catherine. I tried something similar a few weeks ago with conference pears and Christmas spices, blitzed rather than sieved . It turned out as a jam, not at all as planned but nice with some porridge! Reading your excellent instructions, I can see that I didn’t boil it for long enough.

What about that lamb mince tagine? It sounds great!

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