Apr 5Liked by Catherine Phipps

I’m a bit late reading this to cook it for Easter and we ate out this year anyway, but this sounds an excellent plan for next weekend. There are only two of us at home but the leftover lamb should make an excellent curry. I bought a babka last weekend which is like a very rich brioche. I had some over and rather than letting it dry out and throwing away I sliced it and froze it. I had thoughts of a bread and butter pudding but I wonder whether it would make a good trifle base? There is only one way to find out.

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I made the lamb today. You were spot on about all the fat but it did separate quickly and I spooned it off. I added some leftover wild garlic pesto to the gravy/juices. We will have the rest early in the week in a curry. Altogether very tasty and trouble free and meant I could get on with a few chores while it cooked.

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