I have been away most of this week, demoing pressure cooking to a lovely crowd in Paignton and made the most of a couple of days by the sea with bracing walks and a good mooch around Totnes on market day.
I made these to your recipe at the end of last year, finishing them off in the oven -they were perfect. I did reduce the cooking time as they were quite small and quickly falling off the bone but I’d never go back to the day-long, slow cooking again. Previously I have found myself swallowing soft bone by accident and wondered if that was ok as I didn’t know about cooking bones until edible. Thank you for that piece of added information
Hi Paul - I usually cut them up, but you can leave them on a rack if you prefer. You might find that if you cook them to very tender they might break up anyway, so go for shorter timings if so.
I made these to your recipe at the end of last year, finishing them off in the oven -they were perfect. I did reduce the cooking time as they were quite small and quickly falling off the bone but I’d never go back to the day-long, slow cooking again. Previously I have found myself swallowing soft bone by accident and wondered if that was ok as I didn’t know about cooking bones until edible. Thank you for that piece of added information
This sounds absolutely incredible. Cannot wait to try this one !
Hello Catherine! Do you leave the ribs joined up in racks or cut them into individual ribs before browning? Thanks for all your great recipes!
Hi Paul - I usually cut them up, but you can leave them on a rack if you prefer. You might find that if you cook them to very tender they might break up anyway, so go for shorter timings if so.